The bird often acts as a warning/danger signal, alerting China's victims that Shan Yu is near. Shan Yu is trapped in a large birthday box with a firework by Mulan and dies in the explosion. who are led by the ruthless Shan Yu, invade Han When Fa Mulan hears that her. Mickey calls forth Mulan, Genie, and Peter Pan to defeat the villains. Hayabusa is Shan Yu's pet falcon and sidekick. Mulan was well received by critics and the public, grossing 304 million. A foreboding predator with a hatred for China, he is Shan Yu's loyal pet falcon and an integral member of the Hun Army. This is exemplified by his Elite Huns, who are able to speak to him on equal terms. Eric-The Little Mermaid 2023, Li Shang-Mulan, Christopher- Rodgers &. Hayabusa the Falcon is one of the secondary antagonists of Disney's 1998 animated feature film, Mulan. Despite his brutality, or probably because of it, he is a respected leader, as his Hun army seems to be kept together out of loyalty to him, rather than out of fear of him. His penchant for brutality was such that the Emperor of China immediately took the matter seriously as soon as he learned that Shan Yu was leading the invasion, and one of the captured scouts fearfully recognized him when they were brought before him. He is also shown to be merciless even to defenseless individuals, as evidenced by his murderous smirk when he suggests that he "return" the doll to its owner, as well as being implied to have killed the owner of the doll as well as her entire village. The archer then draws his bow and replies, "One." Ultimately, only one scout delivers the message, implying that the archer killed the other. Li Shang and Fa Mulan’s daughter Li Mei-Ran is a mirror image of her mother brave and beautiful. Just as Yao goes to aim the cannon at Shan Yu, Mulan notices a large precarious snow peak and grabs the cannon, against Shangs orders. Summary: It has been 20 years since Fa Mulan brought peace in China, since the Xiongnu Huns were retreated back in defeated as Shan Yu was executed. He is not above killing his enemies in cold blood to prove his strength and he has been shown to make jokes about it: after capturing two imperial scouts and sending them to deliver his challenge to the Emperor, he asks his lead archer how many men it takes to deliver a message. by Barry Cook, Barry Cook Buy Study Guide Mulan (1998 Film) Summary and Analysis of Part 4 Summary Shangs soldiers draw their swords and prepare to fight, as the Huns charge.

It seemed that Chi Fu and Ling have the same height, while Shan Yu is around 5 feet 5 inches tall. Shan Yu is one of the most ruthless and merciless villains ever seen in the Disney universe. There was a scene where Chi Fu passed in front of Yao, Chien Po, and Ling. Shan Yu is the evil leader of the Hun Army and the main antagonist of Disney's 1998 animated feature film, Mulan.